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Patriots Are Advancing Across Europe

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Patriots Are Advancing Across Europe

Via Remix News,

Hungary has built a fence and does not allow social (welfare) tourists to enter Europe unchecked. Hungary protects Germany and Austria from further chaos. So, what does the conglomerate of mentally ill lawbreakers in Brussels do in response? It obliges Hungary to pay a massive fine. These previous sentences were delivered by Austrian politician and commentator Gerald Grosz in a statement, but they describe the EU’s mishandling of the problem of illegal immigration so succinctly and accurately that any sane patriot could have said them. Today, the situation has become so much better that more and more people dare to take on their attitude in public, agreeing with the Hungarian position all over Europe.

Herbert Kickl, leader of the Freedom Party of Austria, celebrates with supporters, in Vienna, Austria, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024, after polls closed in the country’s national election. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru)

It is no coincidence that the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) won a historic victory on Sunday in the election whose central theme was illegal migration. Our neighbor has seen unbearable conditions develop in the big cities, for example, more than half of the students in Viennese schools do not know the German language. Whoever forms a government must radically change the current migrant policy, otherwise serious social conflicts may break out, the consequences of which are unforeseeable.

The situation is similar in several EU member states.

In the Czech Republic, Andrej Babiš’s party, ANO, won the Senate election by a landslide. Although their strengthening does not bring an immediate change in the Czech migrant policy, it is still a very important development.

It is no coincidence that Viktor Orbán concluded his congratulations by saying, “They can tremble in Brussels, the Patriots are coming.”

In Germany, the advance of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the state elections resulted in the government closing the borders in fear. The decision to close the borders, considered by many to be a sham, was more to destroy the Schengen system, which was one of the achievements that still preserved something of the union we joined at the time. This move did not even work, with the number of illegal immigrants flooding Germany not decreasing, nor have the problems they caused.

Last weekend, nine people died and almost 50 went missing not far from the Canary Islands when a boat carrying illegal migrants capsized. According to data from the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, 200,000 people have arrived in Europe via the Canary Islands in recent decades, and according to a human rights organization, almost 5,000 people have already drowned on this route. So, even the left-wing Spanish prime minister was forced to take measures to stem the tide.

The Netherlands gave the bravest response to the migration challenge when the right-wing government that was finally formed after a long tug-of-war immediately asked to be exempted from the scope of the migration pact. It is true that the European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen immediately rejected this request, but the case still highlights that the pact is not good for anything, because it doesn’t matter what pseudonym they come up with for the distribution according to the quota, the essence is the same. These measures also do not even solve the problem of those who are already inside the union, and it certainly doesn’t stand in the way of those who are looking to come in.

In any case, following the Dutch example, Hungary will also ask to be exempted from the scope of the pact, just as we will not pay the horrible penalty that was imposed on us because we fulfill our duty and protect the southern border, which is also the external border of the European Union. These examples all prove that the eyes of European citizens are slowly but surely opening, which could bring about revolutionary changes in migrant policy in the future. So, it doesn’t hurt to prepare for these changes, because we cannot let globalist idiots screw it up one more time.

It is best to step back and do what all the decision-makers failed to do then. A distinction must be made between refugees, legal economic immigrants and border criminals. The war raging in our neighborhood showed us who the real refugees are. Helping the unfortunate people who set off on their small motorbikes to escape the fighting, and in many cases become stranded, is as natural in the first safe country as breathing — even if at first the trunks of some luxury SUVs with Ukrainian license plates were lined with millions of euros and even if most of them don’t stop here, but immediately move on to countries with a higher standard of living. However, those who have the slightest inkling of the horrors of war do not choose, do not doubt, but help as best they can with what they have.

This sentiment of kindness was also abused by those border violators who, one by one, declared themselves Syrian at the beginning of the invasion, because at that time fighting was still raging in Syria, and through this, a Bangladeshi or Tunisian vagabond could sell himself as a refugee. 

This is also why the human traffickers and the human rights defenders who have sunk to their level recommended that they throw away their identification papers on the way, because becoming unidentifiable, they will always be able to lie to the authorities about their age and country of origin. Let’s boldly say that whoever arrives like this is not a refugee, but a border-violating criminal. 

Of course, there is a version of migration that benefits both the immigrant and the receiving country. Those who are not happy in their home country and want to start a new life somewhere else, arrive at the official entry points with papers. He or she informs the appropriate office of his intention, takes up a job, learns the official language of the host country, accepts the primacy of the culture of the host country, and abides by the laws and regulations. In exchange for better conditions and more opportunities, it enriches the host country. It’s a mutually beneficial deal.

It is also important to note here that the receiving country always decides who it allows into its country, what kind of immigrant population it considers manageable, and what conditions it imposes for the sake of common life and the effectiveness of integration. 

It is clear that none of the members of the masses who receive aid from several places under pseudonyms, who do not speak the language, who do not want to work, who live according to Sharia law, and who shout for a caliphate, are economic immigrants in this sense. They arrived as border-crossing criminals and are currently parasites, but it is also possible that one day the conspiracy theory that the outposts of an invasion army arrived in Europe in this way will become a reality.

Ambitious intellectuals and scientists have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that climate change and the population explosion in Africa may force millions of people to leave their homeland in the near future in search of a new, more livable place of residence. The idea of ​​a world without borders was born as a response to this challenge, where everyone has the basic human right to move wherever they want. This artificial world is what the wealthy of the private money empire want to impose on us, who are not interested in anything other than profit maximization.

Let us not forget that illegal immigrants buy their products and use their services from the aid they receive.

The ruined nation-states will borrow from their banks if they want to have strong provinces for the United States of Europe. This has all been well thought out.

However, we must know that there is another answer to the mentioned challenge. What the Hungarian government formulated, for example, is that the problem should not be brought here, but the solution should be brought to the place where the problem arose. It is necessary to ensure that the masses do not leave in hope of a better life, since they can be helped there as well so that they can do everything to improve their living conditions.

The first step for this must be the protection of Europe’s external borders. There is no sovereign state without borders. There is no independent politics without sovereignty. There is no community without self-determination. There is only a consumer crowd led by the nose. This is how illegal migration has become the cruelest weapon in the hands of the globalists who want to eliminate nation-states. And this is how Hungary, preserving its sovereignty, became the vanguard of the patriots fighting against them.

Now, we are no longer alone.

Read more here…

Tyler Durden
Wed, 10/02/2024 – 05:00

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