Two weeks ago, we described how, after two or so months since House Democrats abandoned the Biden administration’s propaganda campaign to sell the American people on disastrous “Bidenomics,” the White House would pivot to a new messaging strategy of “shrinkflation.”
The latest Google search of “shrinkflation” news stories shows what appears to be a flood of them across corporate media outlets.
It appears Biden’s PR team hired the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street… How much did that cost?
Me hate shrinkflation! Me cookies are getting smaller. 😔
— Cookie Monster (@MeCookieMonster) March 4, 2024
According to Bloomberg data, the story count of news stories featuring “shrinkflation” surged this week to 1,365, up from 332 the week before. The first spike in shrinkflation headlines was a trial balloon by the White House around the Super Bowl.
Democrats and the White House have scrambled for a new messaging strategy after the Bidenomics PR campaign ended in disaster, failing to lift the president’s polling data.
On Thursday night, Biden attacked companies at the State of the Union address.
During his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden calls on Congress to crack down on “shrinkflation”:
“The snack companies think you won’t notice if they change the size of the bag and put a hell of a lot fewer … chips in it.”
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) March 8, 2024
Biden’s messaging strategies have failed so far because voters don’t trust the elderly president, who has ruined the financial health of working poor households with rampant inflation.
The Biden administration has given up on blaming Putin for inflation.
Perhaps out-of-control government spending, $1 trillion every three months, is driving inflation.
Hedge Fund Manager: The US Issues $1 Trillion In Debt Ever 100 Days, Just Imagine The Pace Of Deficit Spending In A Deep Recession
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 4, 2024
But don’t tell Biden’s 70-person social media team that…
Tyler Durden
Mon, 03/11/2024 – 07:45